1. This document (hereinafter referred to as the "General Conditions") sets out the conditions for the
use of a specialized application under the trade name "FRISBEE" or "FRISBEE" (hereinafter referred to
as the "Mobile Application" or "the Application" only). for access of a user - a natural person or a
legal entity ("User") to an online technological platform that provides electronic services for control
and reporting of performed transport tasks assigned by one user to another on the territory of the
Republic of Bulgaria ("Frisbee Platform").
The purpose of the software product is to allow persons, mainly, but not only in an official legal
relationship to assign each other tasks to perform transport activities, by monitoring the
implementation of the assigned task through the application.
2. The platform is a software product that performs positioning, distribution, receipt, reception and
tracking of orders from one user of the platform to another, which is developed and operated by
Frisbee Group Ltd. ("Frisbee Group"), with UIC 201164111. The mobile application provides Users
with access and opportunity to use the functionalities of the Frisbee Platform. Frisbee Group has the
right to distribute the Application and provide Users with access to use the services available through
the Application, in accordance with a marketing policy, which is determined entirely and exclusively
at its discretion.
3. The text of these General Terms and Conditions is available on the Operator's website at
frisbee.serives in a way that allows its storage and reproduction.
4. The mobile application can be downloaded, installed and used by all Users via a mobile device
(portable electronically equipped equipment, eg mobile phone, tablet, etc.), which allows and
provides connection to the Internet and has an operating system compatible with the Application.
5. A necessary condition for the Users to be able to use the services available through the Application
is to register on the Website frisbee.serives in accordance with the given instructions, by creating a
user profile in the Platform or to download the application through on your mobile
phone and accept the general terms and conditions and privacy policy. The agreement between
Frisbee Group and the User regarding the use of the Mobile Application and the services available
through it, including these General Terms and Conditions, enters into force after successful
registration of the User for the service and creation of his profile.
6. The Mobile Application is not intended for children or persons under 14 years of age, and they
must not use the Mobile Application or send personal information through it.
7. In order to register and create a user profile, the User must have a valid e-mail address ("email")
and fill in all marked as mandatory fields in the electronic form available through the Application.
Each User can register only one user profile with one email. When registering, the User also indicates
the name, surname and surname, telephone number and password. Through his e-mail address and
password, the User gets access to his user profile and the opportunity to use the services of the
Mobile Application.
8. The user guarantees and is responsible for the fact that the data provided during the registration
process are correct, complete, accurate and not misleading, and undertakes to update his account in
a timely manner in case of change. FRISBEE GROUP reserves the right to refuse registration or
terminate the registration of a person for whom it has received information that it indicates or uses
incorrect or foreign data.
9. In the process of creating the user profile and registration the User makes an explicit electronic
statement within the meaning of the Electronic Document and Electronic Signature Act, declaring
that he is familiar with the General Terms, accepts them, agrees with them and undertakes to
10. The non-acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions in the process of creating the user
profile leads to inability for the User to use the services provided through the Application.
11. The application is designed and available in versions for work on Android, iOS, Windows and Mac
OS operating systems. To use it, the User must have a mobile or computer device with the
appropriate operating system that has an Internet connection.
12. The application enables a User to assign and control transport assignments to another User, as
well as to receive information in connection with the assigned. The User may create his own group of
Users to carry out commercial activities related to transport. The application allows users to
communicate through it by attaching files and photographic images. The application allows locating
the location of the User at any time, from the moment of turning on the application based on GPS
functionalities by sending data to the Head of the group.
13. The mobile application assists the Assigning User by visualizing the route of another User on the
basis of cartographic information publicly available on the Internet. FRISBEE GROUP is not
responsible for incorrect route due to discrepancies with the specific traffic situation at a time.
14. The scope of the service provided by Frisbee applies to the entire territory of the Republic of
15. The application enables the User to monitor in real time the movement of the person to whom
the task is assigned, as well as to complete the task by following instructions. The User assigning realtime tracking of the movement of the vehicle in which the User is located. It also enables the User,
after performing the task assigned to him, to photograph the location where he is and to certify to
the Manager the performed service / work.
16. FRISBEE GROUP has the right, at its discretion, not to administer a group of Users, made through
the Mobile Application, in case of incorrectly filled in data during registration or in case of motivated
suspicion of false or malicious order.
17. Downloading and using the Application is free for the User. Users pay a fee specified in the tariff
set on the Frisbee Group website
18. FRISBEE GROUP reserves the right to introduce a fee for downloading and / or using the
Application. If it decides to introduce such a fee, FRISBEE GROUP will inform the User on its website
or through the Application, giving him the opportunity to terminate the use of the services.
19. The User agrees that Frisbee Group has the right at any time to change the user design and
interface, functionalities or other parameters of the Application, as well as the services provided
through it, at its own discretion and without notice to Users. The user agrees that there may be
differences in the vision and functionality of the Application in the different operating systems for
which it is intended.
20. FRISBEE GROUP reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to make valid notifications to the User
through the Application, on the website or through a message to the e-mail address
contained in the registered profile of the User.
21. The application is used for your internal business personal use and is not for resale or other
transfer or disposal to another person or entity. The application uses a card and other data licensed
to Frisbee by third parties in order to be used by Users.
29. The User undertakes to use the Application and its functionalities and content in good faith and
only in accordance with their purpose.
30. The user is fully responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the data specified in the
creation of the user profile and undertakes to update his user profile in a timely manner when
changing this data.
31. The user is fully responsible for the correctness of the data provided by him when ordering a
service through the Application.
32. The user is obliged to provide at his own expense the necessary mobile device for use of the
Application, as well as connection of this device with the Internet.
33. The user is obliged to store the data for access to his user profile in a way that does not allow the
same to become available to third parties. The user is completely
responsible for all actions of third parties to whom he has provided his data for access to the user
profile. The User undertakes to immediately notify the Operator upon receipt of information about
illegal use of user password and / or e-mail for access to the services provided through the
34. The user is responsible for getting acquainted in advance with the conditions for using the
desired taxi services, as well as for their modification or cancellation.
35. The User undertakes not to use the Application to commit malicious acts. Malicious actions are
actions or omissions that violate Internet ethics or cause property or non-property damage to
persons connected to the Internet or associated networks, sending spam, gaining access to resources
with foreign rights and passwords, using vulnerabilities in systems for their own purposes. benefit or
obtain information, damage or destroy systems or information arrays, send or cause "Trojan horses"
or cause the installation of viruses, disrupt the normal operation of other Internet users and
associated networks, perform any action, which may qualify as a crime or administrative violation
under Bulgarian law or other applicable law.
36. In order to use the Frisbee Application, you must record information about the User's route,
including the trading point and the route you are instructed to follow, and you must periodically
obtain a GPS location from the User's GPS hardware from a wireless device. Also, the User, after
turning on his GPS location from his mobile device, agrees to continuously record and store
information related to his location. Using the Frisbee Application, the User allows Frisbee GROUP to
access your GPS hardware and otherwise receive information about the User's location and route, as
well as to record, store and display such information in the Application of the User who ordered the
transportation. This information is processed in accordance with the Privacy Policy. By using the
Frisbee Application, the User declares that he accepts the privacy policy of Frisbee Group.
37. The User is obliged to turn off his GPS location when performing the assigned task by another
User of the Frisbee Application. In case he fails to do so and his location data is processed after
performing the task assigned to him, the latter may request deletion of the last of the registers of
Frisbee Group.
38. FRISBEE GROUP will take due care to ensure continuity and error in the operation of the Frisbee
Application and Platform. However, the User agrees that access to the services provided through the
Application may be interrupted or impeded due to prevention, troubleshooting or operation of the
functionality of the Application.
39. The user agrees that:
39.1. Frisbee Group is not responsible for damages and / or lost profits in case of restriction or
inability to use the services provided through the Application,
due to prevention, troubleshooting or work on the functionalities of the Mobile Application or the
Frisbee Platform, or due to other actions aimed at improving or optimizing the services provided;
39.2. FRISBEE GROUP does not guarantee continuity and absence of errors in the operation of the
Frisbee Application and Platform. Frisbee Group does not guarantee that the services provided
through the Application will fully meet all requirements and / or expectations of the User for quality
or other parameters of these services, if and to the extent that they are not under the control of the
39.3. FRISBEE GROUP is not liable for damages caused to the User when using the Mobile
Application, unless they are caused intentionally or through gross negligence.
39.4. Frisbee Group is not responsible for problems that may arise due to accidental technical
factors, for problems that may arise due to the type, characteristics or quality of the mobile device or
Internet connection used by the User, as well as from external interference of third parties. Frisbee
Group is not responsible if the User's mobile device is not compatible or if he downloads the
incorrect version of the Application for his mobile device.
39.5. Frisbee Group does not guarantee the smooth operation of the Application and access to the
services provided through it, in case the User has downloaded the Application from a place or in a
way other than those specified.
39.6. FRISBEE GROUP has no obligation to constantly monitor the content published by the User
under item 53 of these General Terms. The user publishes this content at his own risk and
responsibility. In this sense, the User accepts that such content does not necessarily reflect the
opinion of Frisbee Group, nor is the latter responsible for the accuracy or appropriateness of any
comments, opinions, comments, suggestions and other information published by the User. However,
Frisbee Group reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to block or remove (in whole or in part) any
user content that it deems inconsistent with these Terms and Conditions, infringes or may infringe
the intellectual property rights of third parties, infringes the privacy or peace of third parties, or
otherwise unacceptable to him.
40. In the process of registration and when using the Application, the User will collect data that can
individualize him (personal data). The User collects personal data only to the extent and in the form
necessary for the use of the Application and the provision of the services available through it. Such
data are, but are not limited to: name, telephone number, e-mail address, GPS location, in some
cases a unique mobile device number, data under item 25 above.
41. Identification of the User in order to reproduce his statement both for acceptance of the General
Terms and for use of all functionalities of the Application is done through the data stored in log files,
storage of the IP address of the user, as well as through storage of any other information provided by
the User or available from sources of public information.
42. By accepting these General Terms and Conditions, the User declares that he provides his personal
data voluntarily and gives his consent for these data to be collected and processed for the purposes
of using the Application and providing the services requested through it.
43. By accepting these General Terms and Conditions, the User gives his explicit consent to receive
advertising and information materials, as well as other messages for the purposes of direct marketing
from the Operator or from a Taxi Service Provider to the e-mail address specified in his user profile.
or when requesting a service. Refusal to receive such materials and messages may be made at any
time through a special link (link) available in the content of each sent message or material.
44. The collection and processing of personal data of the User will be carried out in compliance with
the legal requirements.
45. Information and personal data provided by the User will not be used, provided or brought to the
notice of third parties outside the cases and under the conditions provided in these General Terms
and Conditions and applicable regulations. This obligation is waived in case the User has provided
incorrect data or has committed malicious acts. Disclosure of personal data is permissible in cases
where: a) this is provided for in these General Terms and Conditions or the user has given his explicit
consent at registration or at a later time; b) this is necessary for fulfillment of a normatively
established obligation of the Operator and / or the operator of the Platform; (c) the information is
requested by public authorities or officials who, under current legislation, are empowered to request
and collect such information in accordance with statutory procedures; d) the information regarding
the personal data is provided to employees or subcontractors of the Operator for activities related to
the performance of their official duties in connection with the functioning of the Mobile Application
and the system; (e) disputes between the parties are settled; f) in other cases provided by law.
46. FRISBEE GROUP is not responsible for the protection of personal data in cases of force majeure,
accidental event or malicious actions of third parties, as well as in cases where the User has made
this information available to third parties.
47. All elements of the content of the Application, including, but not limited to, its program code,
trademarks, logos, symbols, design, photographs, graphic elements, navigation tools and texts are
subject to protection under the Copyright and Related Rights Act. rights, the Law on Trademarks and
Geographical Indications and other normative acts regulating the protection of intellectual property
rights, and may not be used in violation of applicable law.
48. The user has the right to use all services and information contained in the Annex, provided that
he does not infringe the intellectual property rights over them.
49. The User undertakes not to perform actions that aim or result in reverse engineering,
decompilation, disassembly, adaptation or modification of the Application and / or the Site, including
their source code, content or any other be a system associated with them.
50. Based on the rights owned or controlled by Frisbee Group, no licenses or rights are granted to the
User, except for the licenses and rights explicitly granted to the User in these General Terms and
51. FRISBEE GROUP reserves the right to change and / or supplement the General Terms and
Conditions at any time at its sole discretion. The change will be considered known to the User from
the moment of their publication on the designated place in the Application or on the Website It is considered that the User agrees and accepts the changes if after their
publication he makes a valid order for a taxi service through the Application.
52. In case of disagreement with the General Terms after the moment of creating the user profile
(regardless of whether the General Terms have been changed or not), the user is obliged to
terminate the use of the Application and the services provided through it. Otherwise, it will be
considered that the User agrees with the conditions and has undertaken to comply with them.
53. The User has the right at any time to uninstall the Application installed on his mobile device, thus
terminating permanently the access to it and the use of the services offered through it, respectively
the contract between the parties.
54. FRISBEE GROUP has the right to terminate or suspend immediately and without notice the User's
access to the services of the Mobile Application, as well as maintaining its registration, when it
deems that the User uses the Mobile Application or the services provided through it, contrary to
these General conditions, the applicable Bulgarian legislation, the rights and legitimate interests of
third parties or good manners. In this case, the User's contract for use of the Mobile Application is
considered automatically terminated from the date of termination of its registration.
55. Upon termination of the contract, regardless of the grounds, the User's access to his profile, as
well as to the services provided through the Mobile Application shall be suspended. FRIZBY GROUP
reserves the right in this case to store the information provided by the User until now.
56. Disputes between the Operator and the User are resolved through bona fide negotiations
between them. In case of disagreement, each of the parties may refer the dispute to the competent
Bulgarian court in Sofia (Sofia District Court or Sofia City Court, depending on the generic jurisdiction
of the dispute).
57. In the application and interpretation of these General Terms and Conditions, the Bulgarian
legislation shall apply.
58. Contact address: Frisbee Group Ltd., with UIC 201164111, with correspondence address: Knjaz
Alexandar Batemberg 28, 6000 Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, e-mail: „
59. In case of current problems with the use of the Mobile application, the User can call the Frisbee
Group call center at: +359888657373
60. When inquiring, claiming or making other requests to the Operator, the User should provide his
full name, address and contact telephone number.
61. These General Terms and Conditions have been adopted by a decision of the Manager of Frisbee
Group OOD and shall enter into force on March 1, 2022.